Keys to a Successful Food Trailer or Food Truck

by | Oct 4, 2013 | Food Trailers, Food Trucks, Mobile Food, Mobile Food Business | 0 comments

Keys to a SUCCESSFUL Food Trailer or Food Truck

Raw Chef Renee 1. Leverage your strengths

Everyone has unique skills and experiences. What things can you do better than most?

2. Identify what excites you

What’s your passion? Hopefully food! ;-), However, after you crank out the thousandth taco, hamburger, hotdog, etc, what will keep you going? What is interesting and stimulating for you?

3. Be willing to learn

Jumping into running a food trailer can be thrilling!  But make no mistake, there is plenty to learn. You will be reminded daily. Don’t let these failures run you off course.  Instead, use them to learn and grow.

4. Be wary of naysayers

Maybe it’s from friends and family or from the established food trailer owner themselves, change scares many people.  Be confident in your goals. As long as you’re willing to learn, failure doesn’t exist because you gain experience and knowledge.

About Insure My Food

Joel Paprocki, CIC, CRM, CPCU, is the founder of Insure My Food. Joel has over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry. He is passionate about confidently helping food entrepreneurs navigate insurance and risk management. He holds all three top industry designations: Certified Insurance Counselor, Certified Risk Manager, and Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter. He has served over 5,000 clients in the food industry, including restaurants, food trucks, food manufacturers (CPG), and caterers; if you are looking for a reliable, experienced, and specialized insurance partner, please contact us.

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